should I try homeopathy?
The Homeopathic Consultation
Why should I try homeopathy?
Homeopathy is often effective in conditions where conventional medicines may have undesirable side effects, such as behaviour problems, epilepsy and skin conditions.
It is gentle enough to use in the very young, or in those debilitated by age or chronic disease.
It can help problems that may be difficult to treat with conventional medicine, such as recurring or chronic illnesses. It allows you to work with the body for deeper healing.
Why shouldn’t I try homeopathy
Homeopathy is not a quick fix.
Results may be rapid, but patients that have been using suppressive drugs will take a longer time to respond to the homeopathic remedies. It also can be difficult to find the best remedy for a patient, so we may need to try different remedies.
It is important to remember that lifestyle and diet changes may also be necessary to enable the body to heal. Patience and proper care are essential to the healing of the whole individual.

How long is a homeopathic consultation and what happens during it?
The homeopathic interview is the key to finding the best homeopathic medicine for the patient.
We need to discuss and explore the main problem, including what makes it better and worse, what it was like when it first started and so on. Disease is only a small part of any individual, so we need to learn a lot more to find the whole picture of the patient.
We will talk about likes and dislikes, fears and anxieties, other problems in the patient’s life, preferences in food, temperature, and companions, and anything else that is a significant factor to this particular individual.
This process of receiving the case typically takes an hour to two hours.
We will want to review the medical records, so it is best to send these in advance. Don’t be surprised if we ask you to review your experience of the problems again. As the people involved, your opinions and insights into the case are vital.

How does the homeopathic vet choose the medicine?
After the interview, the homeopath will study and review the information, finding the homeopathic medicine that best matches the patient.
Sometimes the homeopath knows right away which medicine is best suited, but often the process of repertorisation takes several hours. We may recommend nutritional supplements, dietary and lifestyle changes for immediate implementation.
The best suited homeopathic remedy may be mailed or picked up at the surgery, depending on the practitioner.
What happens next?
Your patient may be treated with X, C, M, or LM potencies, in liquid or dry form, depending upon your homeopath’s assessment of your animal’s individual case.
Your homeopathic vet will discuss how they expect the case to progress, and how frequently they will need updates from you. Often some symptoms will improve quickly, but usually the full action takes two to six weeks.
If there is no change in that time, it is probably not the best medicine for your patient. The correct homeopathic medicine will be taken, with decreasing frequency and /or in gradually increasing potencies until the problems are cured.
If the medicine is discontinued before it has finished its work, the symptoms will gradually come back. Your vet will advise you of how to resume the homeopathic medicine at this point, and let it complete the job.
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