British Association of Homeopathic Veterinary Surgeons

The Association was formed in 1982, to advance the understanding, knowledge and practice of veterinary homeopathy (homoeopathy / homœopathy).

It aims to stimulate professional awareness of homeopathy and to encourage and provide for the training of veterinary surgeons in the practice of homeopathy. It is an open forum for the various differing approaches to the subject of veterinary homeopathy and its application, allowing for constructive interchanges of ideas. The Association has a written constitution, adopted in 1988. Members follow a Code of Practice, adopted in 1998, which is regularly reviewed.

An annual congress has been held since 1986, the first being a day meeting, but latterly the Congress has grown to a three-day event. The energy and conviviality that have been generated at these conferences has become legendary.

An online newsletter (Mag) is produced four times yearly and a library of audio tapes is maintai​​​​​ned.

The BAHVS is involved in major issues such as nosode use, prescribing by pharmacists, product licences, etc. It is also contributing to the compilation of a Veterinary Materia Medica and of a Veterinary Repertory, in association with the IAVH.

As a service to animal owners seeking homeopathic help, the Association will supply names and addresses of veterinary surgeons with the homeopathic qualification: Veterinary Member of the Faculty of Homeopathy (VetMFHom), and others using homeopathy who have undergone some of the recognised training. For this information, please contact us through the website.